Finlandia-katsaus 684
Altri titoli: Finlandia Survey No 684
Genere: lyhyt katsaus / Newsreel
Anno: 1964
Durata: 08:00:00
Descrizione: The newsreel covers, among other things, the funeral service of the author and Nobel Prize winner Frans Eemil Sillanpää, who died on 3 June 1964, at the Lutheran Cathedral in Helsinki. The service was conducted by Eelis Gulin, the Bishop of Tampere. Sillanpää’s 60th birthday in September 1948 (old material). Indian Prime Minister Nehru’s death in 1964 – Nehru in Finland in 1957 (old material). Yugoslav President Tito visits Finland: reception at the airport. President Tito visits President Kennedy in the USA (foreign material).
Parole chiave: kirjailijat / Sillanpää, Frans Eemil / hautajaiset / Nehru, Jawaharlal / Yhdysvallat / writers / Sillanpää, Frans Eemil / funerals / Nehru, Jawaharlal / Yhdysvallat
Fonte esterna: Kansallinen Audiovisuaalinen Arkisto
Casa di produzione: Suomi-Filmi Oy
Colori: Black & White
Sound: With sound
Tipo documento:
Formato originale: Video/mpeg
Language: fi